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Pingtung Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


bahasa Indonesia 印尼

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-12-13
  • View count:1385
bahasa Indonesia.


bahasa Indonesia 印尼


Proses agensi

Process Information

Obligor proses pembayaran di tempat

1. Obligor ke kantor cabang

2. Bimbingan Staf Help Desk

3. Deskripsi unit usaha

(1) Agen transfer tidak memiliki agen residen

Obligor membayar kasir dan menerima tanda terima

(2) Agen transfer memiliki agen residen

Silakan bayar di agen agen transfer dan dapatkan tanda terima

Obligor on-site payment process

1. The obligor to the branch office

2. Help Desk Staff Guidance

3. Description of the undertaking unit

(1) The transfer agency has no resident agent

The obligor pays the cashier and receives a receipt

(2) The transfer agency has resident agents.

Please pay at the agent of the transfer agency and get a receipt.

Informasi layanan agen

Authorities Information

1. Jam layanan agen

(1) Jam kerja inti 09:00-12:30, 13:30-17:00

(2) Istirahat makan siang 12:30-13:30

Waktu perjalanan fleksibel 08:00-09:00, 17:00-18:00

(3) Pusat layanan kenyamanan akan melayani seperti biasa pada siang hari (12:30 hingga 13:30)

1. Authorities Hours

(1) Fixed Working Hours

Whole day, 09:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:30

(2) Flexible Working Hours

Whole day, 8:00-9:00,17:00-18:00

(3) Lunch Break 12:00 - 13:30, not staggered

2. Telepon papan tombol

08-7366626 Service Desk (ext. 2501 atau 2502 atau 9)

2. Telephone

TEL+886-8-7366626 Information 2501 or 2502 or 9

Alamat agensi


No. 28, Jalur 180, Jalan Jianfeng, Kota Pingtung, Kabupaten Pingtung

No.28, 180 Lane, Jian-Feng Rd., 900212 Pingtung City, Pingtung County, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Video Perbanyakan (Propagation Video)

promotional video.

Lokasi dan Peta (Location and Map)


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